“European Universities” Initiative: Information and Networking Event on October 1, 2024
On October 1, 2024, representatives from all Austrian higher education institutions met for the traditional „European Universities” Information and Networking Event for the annual exchange of experiences at the House of Engineers in Vienna. There they exchanged experiences gained, addressed long-term visions, and were informed about developments in European higher education policy.
The European Universities alliances are pioneers, exploring new paths to enhance excellence in teaching and research, as well as strengthening innovation in national and European Higher Education landscapes.
Austrian higher education institutions are particularly successful participants in the European Universities initiative. Seventeen Austrian higher education institutions (eleven universities, five universities of applied sciences, and one private university) are part of a total of 64 European Universities alliances. This means that tey are involved in more than 26% of the European Universities alliances.
In order to support the Austrian higher education institutions participating in the European Universities initiative, to further strengthen the dialogue between them, and to promote the sharing knowledge and experience gained, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research invited them to the traditional, annual European Universities Information and Networking Event on October 1, 2024.
With this event, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research not only supports higher education istitutions involved in the European Universities initiative but also the entire Austrian higher education landscape. The event provided updates on the latest European developments in higher education policy, facilitated the exchange of experiences and examples of good practices, and allowed the dissemination of knowledge gained within the alliances to other universities. A total of 90 participants attended the hybrid event.
The program included keynote speeches from Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit in charge of European Higher Education Policies at the European Commission, Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik, Deputy Director of Policy Coordination and Foresight at the European Universities Association (EUA), and Elmar Pichl, Director-General at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research along with three panel discussions on the topics of the European degree, legal status, and quality assurance. This was followed by intensive and inspiring discussions.

Overview of the seventeen “European Universities”- Alliances with Austrian participation
- ARQUS – University of Graz
- EPICUR - University of Natural Sciences and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna
- EURECA-PRO - Montanuniversität Leoben
- E3UDRES2 – University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
- ULYSSEUS – University of Applied Sciences Management Center Innsbruck – The Entrepreneurial School
- RUN-EU – University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg
- Aurora European University Alliance – University of Innsbruck
- ENGAGE.EU - University of Economics and Business Vienna
- CIVICA - Central European University (CEU) Vienna
- CIVIS – University of Salzburg
- CIRCLE U. - University of Vienna
- Unite! – University of Technology Graz
- EU4DUAL – University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz
- EC2U – University of Linz
- EULIST – University of Technology Vienna
- IN.TUNE – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
- ACE2-EU – University of Applied Sciences Carinthia
European Universities Initiative – European Commission
Die “European Universities” Initiative – BMBWF (german)