The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) publishes statistical data, figures and facts on unidata, the higher education statistical information system.
unidata – the BMBWF’s higher education sector data warehouse
unidata is the higher education statistical information system for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). It is used to publish the latest facts, figures and information about the Austrian higher education sector. unidata provides permanent access to statistical information about newly enrolled students, existing students, courses, graduates and staff, plus figures on universities, universities of applied sciences and private universities, as well as statistical publications by the BMBWF and documents from university reporting bodies.
Higher education statistical content from other sources
Information on official higher education statistics is available on the Federal Statistical Office (Statistics Austria) website. Internationally comparable indicators and figures from the tertiary education sector in EU Member States are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, by Eurydice, the European network for information on education systems and policies, and by the OECD. You can access these in international publications such as Education at a Glance, which the OECD publishes every year.
unidata (in German only)
Statistics Austria
Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union
Eurydice, European network for information on education systems and policies
Publication ‘Education at a Glance’ by the OECD
Nikolaus Franzen
Department IV/10b – Application of Higher Education Statistics
Minoritenplatz 5, 1010 Vienna
T +43 1 531 20 5896