Ukraine: important points of contact in the university, higher education and research sector
This information is updated regularly.
1. Important points of contact for the university, higher education and research sector
- As the (legal) representative of all students in Austria, the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) is available to answer any questions. It has set up an email address to provide advice in Ukrainian and Russian specifically for students affected by the war in Ukraine:
- The OeAD is Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation and as such is responsible for stays abroad under the international programmes Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). It therefore answers any questions related to studying, teaching or conducting research abroad as well as questions from foreign students and researchers in Austria. It has set up a dedicated Ukraine information hub on its website, which provides all the relevant information as well as answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ). These FAQ are regularly updated, with new questions added as needed.
- ENIC NARIC Austria is the national information centre for academic recognition and as such carries out assessment procedures for qualifications from recognised universities and other higher education institutions around the world. It supports displaced Ukrainians with academic qualifications by fast-tracking and prioritising their applications for recognition. More detailed information about how this recognition procedure works is available on the BMBWF website in German and English.
- Applications for recognition can only be made online at
- For general enquiries to ENIC NARIC Austria, please email - The Psychological Counselling Centres are the central point of contact for psychological counselling and support for students in Austria, and can also provide advice on choosing a university course. They can be contacted at
- The Austrian Student Ombudsman is available to help with questions, problems and complaints related to studying at an Austrian university or other higher education institution. Students can contact the Austrian Student Ombudsman directly via its website:
- The Austrian Study Grant Authority is responsible for the provision of financial support for students and has six study grant offices, which are located in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Klagenfurt. To receive financial support, certain requirements must be fulfilled and specific deadlines must be met. Students can contact the Austrian Study Grant Authority directly via its website:
- The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) is Austria’s central funding organisation for basic research. To this end, it offers a wide range of funding programmes, including in particular doctoral and post-doctoral programmes as well as international and career development for scientists. The FWF enables Ukrainian researchers to be included in ongoing research projects in Austria in a quick and straightforward way. For this purpose, it is allocating one million euros as crisis support for scientists directly affected by the war in Ukraine. These scientists can be integrated into ongoing FWF research projects throughout Austria with immediate effect; for details, see Moreover, the FWF offers additional measures for Ukrainian researchers in Austria who have already received funding or are involved in a project; for details, see
2. General points of contact
The Embassy of Ukraine in Austria set up a hotline +43 1 479 717 252 in cases of emergency and also can be contacted through Facebook.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) is available to answer questions relating to asylum, foreign national and residence law. The Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF), which is responsible for integration issues, is under the authority of the BMI, as is the Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services (BBU), the central point of contact for temporary accommodation and the provision of essential supplies. Both organisations have set up appropriate hotlines, which provide advice in Ukrainian and Russian.
- Austrian Integration Fund hotline: phone number +43 1 715 10 51 120; for more information:
- Federal Agency for Reception and Support Services hotline: phone number +43 1 2676 870 9460; for more information:
- The Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs (BMEIA) is the point of contact for questions about entering Austria, in particular with regard to current travel warnings.
- The Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) answers any questions about radiation protection.
- The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) is available to answer questions on employment law, especially questions relating to labour market access (work permits) and any associated questions, such as the qualifications required and recognition of those qualifications as well as the acquisition and evidence of appropriate language skills. To this end, the AMS has set up a dedicated email address offering advice in Ukrainian and Russian: For more details, visit
Overview of the 73 higher education institutions in Austria and key research institutions within the remit of the BMBWF
- Overview of all universities in Austria
- Overview of all university colleges of teacher education in Austria
- Overview of all universities of applied sciences in Austria
- Overview of all private universities in Austria
- Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
- Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG)
- Geological Survey of Austria (GBA)