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Ukraine – Information on Science and Research 

Information in German

Current funding opportunities of from the BMBWF 

Tuition fee exemption for Ukrainian students until the end of February 2026  

Further funding opportunities for students and researchers

ERA4Ukraine – The European Platform provides an overview of support actions  for Ukrainian researchers. 

The specific initiative „ERA4Ukraine“ wants to support researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels. It covers specific information about housing, job offers, contact details of the Ukrainian Embassies, recognition of diplomas and other services.

In Austria, the OeAD, the Agency for Education and Internationalisation, provides the national website EURAXESS AUSTRIA – ERA4Ukraine. For more information please contact the contact points in universities, higher education and research.

Joint European Information Hub for people fleeing Ukraine about education systems, educational paths and recognitions of qualifications:

The European Training Foundation (ETF) has set up a website with key information about the different education systems, educational paths and recognitions of qualifications as well as learning and employment opportunities in the 27 European member states.  

Assessment of higher education qualifications by ENIC NARIC Austria

ENIC NARIC Austria is the national information centre for academic recognition and as such carries out assessment procedures for qualifications from recognised universities and other higher education institutions around the world. More detailed information about how this recognition procedure works is available on the BMBWF website in German and English.

  • Applications for recognition can only be made online at
  • For general enquiries to ENIC NARIC Austria, please email

This list is not exhaustive and is updated on a regular basis.

Support available from the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH)

The Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) offers advice to Ukrainian students in Ukrainian and Russian and has set up a dedicated email address for this purpose: It has also set up a dedicated Ukraine Info Point on its website in Ukrainian, Russian and English, which provides information and important contacts for psychosocial services and other support services.

Universities, other higher education institutions and research organisations also offer support. More information can be found on their respective websites.